Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nothing really new...

Today my sister said to me "You haven't really blogged lately, so I'm not sure how you are feeling" - see, my sister and I kind of have this strategy. She usually checks my blog at the beginning of each day (prior to calling me) to get an idea of how I'm feeling. It works out well because then she knows how to talk to me and not ask a bunch of questions. Moral of the story is, I decided to blog today after she said that to me! I am doing great though. I had such a fun night "out" with my friends last night. We went to dinner and it was absolutely beautiful outside...I know...hard to believe Vegas brings good weather! But we ate dinner outside and just had a nice night. Then today my sister and brother-in-law arrived and we've been at my parents house for the majority of the day. I am going to be making a pumpkin pie tonight! For those that know me well know that I'm not much of a cook or a baker, so give me some credit for trying! I have been craving pumpkin pie so bad...I think it's because it's October and I am feeling holiday-ish. :) I have a lot to look forward to this month, three of my best friends are traveling from California and Texas this month and I'll get to see them, it's two of my bestie's birthdays, AND I am most likely getting scanned at the end of the month to see the status of my cancer.

Chemo is on Monday - I'll update as the week progresses. I am taking on scrap booking this week as a hobby so I am excited!

Enjoy the weekend and will update everyone next week. Please keep me in your prayers this week that I stay strong and healthy. Love everyone!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I have been fortunate to be pretty much back to 1oo% my normal self. I am feeling relatively good and was able to return back to work this week! I sure did miss my co-workers and it's been nice to stay busy during the day. I am eating normally and am still keeping active, as that is extremely important. I had a blood test yesterday and the results came back good! My white blood cells have dramatically decreased in count and that's good because it means the chemo is destroying all those nasty cells that want to create cancerous cells. My white blood cells will continue to decrease as chemo progresses, which again is good, but can also put my immune system at risk. I need to be extremely careful when my immune system is low to avoid any infections, which means I may need to avoid crowded places or not be around anyone who is sick. My doctor is predicting I will need a shot of Neupogen after my next treatment, which will stimulate cell growth. Naturally this means more needles, but whatever - I can handle it. I have been feeling very optimistic this week since I'm feeling better :) That's all for now - hope everyone enjoys their week! I'm looking forward to seeing my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew (dog) on Saturday morning!!!!