Tuesday, February 9, 2010


There is a song by Liam Lynch called "United States of Whatever" and he pretty much states all these scenarios and repeatedly states, "Ya, whateva" to all of them throughout the entire song. Moral of the story is when I think about how bad it sucks to get chemo tomorrow...I think of my good friend Liam and say, "ya, whatevaaa." #11 tomorrow...which only means I have 1 more of this thing we like to call CHEMOTHERAPY. And like the little engine that could....I keep saying I think I can, I think I can - referring to the fact I can beat cancer and finish chemo. Yes, I just referenced a children's book in my blog and if you haven't read that book, I highly suggest you go pick up a copy right now. That little train is pretty hardcore!

Okay, that is all....I am off to get some much needed sleep and hopefully dream of some pretty amazing things. :)

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